Through the pandemic, getting work was quite challenging because people did not want to meet one another with chance that they would catch COVID. Most people were staying indoors, and they wanted better ways of interacting with one another. People were working remotely, which meant everyone was spending a lot more time at home.
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Additionally, as time passed, businesses like restaurants and clinics began working again, but at a much slower pace. They all had to follow safety precautions at the time, which meant social distancing, cleaning, and sanitizing were now commonplace. We were also getting a lot more work when it came to offices and other businesses. Offices and buildings shut for several months, and when it came to restarting to some extent, we had our hands full.
We learned about many cleaning companies out there, and while some did a great job, many others were not as equipped. We also learned that many people find the most convenient option to work with, and in some cases, they prefer sticking with that option. That is not the way we planned to go about the process, and we thought we should make some changes. We created a list of characteristics to assist people when it came to picking the right team to work with.
1. Quality of performance
You want to make sure the team you are working with is equipped to handle the challenges that you throw their way. They should have done a good job in the past, so you are sure that they are going to do one again. There are many changes you have to get through so you should make sure you pick the right team. The quality of their work at a reasonable price is the best way to get through the process.
2. Consistency
You should work with a consistent team. You want them to always put in the same effort when it comes to their work, and they should leave back a clean location. You should not have to guess whether the house, office, or apartment would end up clean, but you should be able to tell from the work they did in the past.
3. Meeting different client needs
All clients do not have the same requirements or expectations, and you want to work with a team of cleaners who would be open to tailoring their work to the needs and requirements of each of their clients. They should not only have a list of tasks they otherwise handle and rate cards but better understand their clients’ needs and customize their work to match the requirement.
4. Service excellence and client relations
Other than doing a good job with the work that they have done, you want to make sure that they have a good relationship with you. When it comes to most cleaning companies, you will work with the same ones in the future, so they should have a good client relationship. The team you coordinate should be warm and pleasant so that you get along with them. There are other changes that you should be getting through as well. Although making sure you receive good service is important, you want to make sure that they have good relationships so you can get through the process with ease.
5. Quality assurance and follow-up
While most companies do not have a good follow-up process, you want the company you are working with to follow up efficiently because those are the smaller tasks that help them stand out. You have to make sure you are working with someone who guarantees the best service, and they check up after to make sure that you are happy with their job. If they are accepting feedback, they can even make changes to the processes that they are getting through, which would be a better value ad in the future.
If you are looking for a Vancouver residential and commercial services company, connect with us, at Canuck Cleaners. We handle many tasks, including Complete House Cleaning, Office Cleaning, Move-In, and Move-Out Cleaning Janitorial Services, and a lot more. Other than understanding our clients’ needs and working on achieving them, we use high-quality, eco-friendly, cleaning products so we are not a burden on the environment. We work with several residential clients as well as commercial clients to meet their needs. If you are looking for a better understanding of the services we provide, please click here. If you want to get in touch with us or think that we can assist in any way, we would love to hear about it. To connect with us, please click here.
Services offered by Canuck Cleaners: Building maintenance | Commercial Cleaning Services | Residential Cleaning Services | Strata Cleaning Services | Luxury Yacht Cleaning Services
Established in 2020, Canuck Cleaners has helped businesses keep their offices and facilities clean and sanitized within various industries. As a cleaning solutions provider we ensure each of our clients various and changing needs are taken care of.